Ranger Anaya’s Last Day: Q&A

Today was Ranger Anaya’s last day on the job before he leaves us for new adventures in southern California. Ranger Anaya worked as a Midpen Ranger for 3 1/2 years, working at both the Foothill and Skyline regions. We asked him to reflect on his time as a Midpen Ranger:

Ranger Anaya Looking out over the marine layer.

What was your favorite part about being a Midpen Ranger?
“I liked being a community liaison. Getting to patrol beautiful areas and talk with the public about the resource was my favorite part of the job.”

What will you miss the most?
“My coworkers. We have a great team here; we are all willing to learn from one another.”

Do you feel like labor unions are still relevant today?
“Yes. They hold the employer accountable. I think right now companies are trying to get as much out of their employees as they can these days, and it takes advantage of the employee without providing proper compensation and benefits. I felt like I was supported and protected by my union. I also liked the small size of my union, I felt like I was seen more as an individual.”

Any last words of wisdom to future Midpen Rangers?
Always be willing to learn new things and value your teammates!”

Any moments on the job you aren’t likely to forget?

“Probably my most intense moment was being first on scene to a house fire near Fremont Older Preserve. A visitor came up to me at the parking lot around closing time and told me someone was screaming for help. I drove down the road and looked up the hillside to see a house engulfed in flames and a woman running down the hill. It was an “oh my god” moment. After being assured no one else was in the house and I got Santa Clara County firefighters on the way, I put on my fire gear. When County Fire showed up and saw me in my yellows, they put a hose in my hand and had me start putting water on the fire.”

Happy trails, Ranger Anaya, thank you for your service!


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