How to contact your elected MROSD Board Member
The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD) is managed by a 7 member Board of Directors that are each elected to represent a geographical region or “ward” with in the Districts boundary. If you live with in the District boundary you can follow the below link and see what ward you live in and who your representative board member is. Of you live outside of the Districts boundary you are not represented by or have the opportunity to vote for Board Members during elections although your voice still maters. The Districts Open Space Preserves are open all members of the public and if you visit the Preserves or are affected by the Districts Policies you have an opportunity to voice your opinions at Public Board Meetings.
MROSD Ward District Map
Click the link to Learn More about Midpeninsula Regional Open Space Districts Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors meets twice monthly for regularly scheduled Public Board Meetings. These meetings are typically held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month and begin at 7 p.m. The District also holds additional special meetings that the public can join as well. Click the link below for the schedule of upcoming public meetings.
Prior to the COVID 19 Pandemic these meetings were held at the District Administrative office although after the District is still operating under an emergency order allowing public meetings to be held vertuarly and the District uses a Zoom link to allow the public to attend, observe, and provide comment at these meetings.
The District states “The public is invited and encouraged to attend these meetings and to participate in the decision-making process. Citizen participation is an essential part of the planning process for the development and use of the District's open space preserves.”
At the link below you can find the Submission Form required to submit public comment. In order to be able to provide Public Comment at the meeting this form must be submitted prior to the meeting.
After you add your personal information you will have 3 options to be able to provide you comment to the board of directors.
Read in to record. (in this option you will submit a typed statement limited at 250 words that the Districts Clerk will read to the Board during the meeting)
To Be Provided to the Board of Directors (this is similar to a letter or email that the Board will be provided a copy of but will not be read during the meeting)
Oral Comment (you will be allowed to speak for up to 3 minutes directly to the Board during the meeting)
If you are able to attend the Districts Zoom meeting we recommend choosing option #3. This will allow you to share your message personally and will have the most impact.
If you are unable to attend the Districts meeting we recommend choosing option #1 as this will still allow the Board and other members of the public to hear your comments verbally at the meeting.
MROSD Public Comment Form
Follow the link to the Districts web page where you can fill out the Public Comment Form to be able to provide your statement directly to your elected representative and make sure that your voice in represented in the decision making process.
After you have submitted your Public Comment Form the Zoom link to attend the Public Meeting can be found on the Meeting Agenda. Agendas for Meetings are posted on the website 72 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hour before a special meeting.
If you are providing an Oral Comment during the meeting, when it is your turn to speak, the District Clerk will unmute you for 3 minutes, and that is your time to address the Board.
If you need help writing feel free to reach out to us at our Contact Page or use the Sample Comment below.
Good Evening.
My Name is (Name) and I am from (City).
I am speaking to you today in favor of the Midpeninsula Rangers Peace Officers Association. Rangers preform a critical roll at the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District providing for the safety of the public.
Board Members; I urge you to direct your staff to return to negotiations and offer a public safety benefit to protect Rangers as they continue the valuable work that we do on a daily basis.
Thank you for your time.