MROSD Board Meeting Public Comment Form Walkthrough

The District may update their site without warning possible making some or all of this walkthrough out of date. Use the button above to access the District form to submit public comments to the District Board. It is this form the following walkthrough is designed for.

Step 1: Meeting Date
Choose the date of the meeting you wish your comment to be made. This dropdown list will include only the meetings posted on the Public Meetings list. Review this list to assist in picked a date that works best for you.

Step 2: Is this a comment about a specific board item?
When you select “Yes” or “No” a textbox will appear. “Yes” will ask for an “Agenda Item Number or Subject” and “No” will ask for a “Subject”. You can find the items on an agenda and include it here. Agendas for regular meetings are posted 72 hours before the meeting, and special meetings are posted 24 hours before the meeting. The meeting agendas can be access by clicking on the meeting in the Public Meetings list.

If you do want to comment at the beginning of the meeting and/or your comment subject isn’t an agenda item, you can put “Oral Communications”. If “Oral Communications” are listed twice on the agenda, do to a Special Meeting, we recommend putting the start time of the meeting section (special or regular) you wish the comment to be made.

Step 3: Please check one
Select one based on your comment being In Favor, Neutral, or In Opposition to what you are talking about.

Step 4: Where did you hear about this meeting? (check all that apply)
Select each option that applies. If you heard about it from us, please check “Other” and input “Midpeninsula Rangers Peace Officers Association” in the textbox that appears labeled “Other source”.

Step 5: Name
Provide your first and last name as you will use it when joining the meeting via Zoom. This helps to identify you to unmute you for verbal comment, and it puts your name with any document or written comments you may provide.

Step 6: Organization (if applicable)
This is optional. We recommend leaving this blank unless you are officially speaking on behalf of an organization. If you are a member of an organization, but speaking as yourself, we recommend leaving it blank.

Step 7: City of Residence
You can provide your city of residence here. If you are submitting from outside of California, please provide your 2 character state abbreviation separated from your city with a comma and a space.

Step 8: Email
Provide the email you are using to log in to Zoom. This email will help identify you in the meeting. This email address will also be used by the form to send a confirmation email that your comment request has been received and provide any additional meeting instructions.

Step 9: Comment Type
Additional instructions will appear for each option based on your selection.

  • Read into the record - This type of comment is read by the clerk during the meeting and is limited to 250 words. You can provide your comment in the textbox that appears labeled “Comments to be read into the record”. The form will fail to submit if you exceed 250 words.

  • To be provided - There isn’t a word limit on this comment; however, it will not be read aloud during the meeting. You can provide your comment in the textbox labeled “Comments to be provided to the board of directors” and/or by uploading a file via the “File Upload” option. Beware that internet speeds my hinder the upload of large files.

  • Oral comment - This option allows you to speak during the meeting. The clerk will call on you and ask you to unmute for your comment. This is limited to 3 minutes of speaking. You will need to provide a phone number for this option incase you end up needing to call in to the meeting via a phone. This allows them to identify you so you can be unmuted.

Step 10: Submit
Click the submit button. The form will verify you have answered all required questions. If not it will direct you to answer those questions before it will allow you to submit. Slow internet connections have been known to not show some of the textboxes right away. Make sure all questions with a red “*” has an answer.

When successful, the form will disappear and be replaced with additional instructions for you to follow on the day of the meeting. Slow internet connections sometimes delay this. Leave this page open until is has changed. If it hasn’t changed after 5 minutes, check your email for a confirmation email. If after 15 minutes you have not received a confirmation email, reload the form, and start back at Step 1.


Media Advisory – July 26, 2022


How to contact your elected MROSD Board Member